TeCo Theatrical Productions, Inc. doing business as Bishop Arts Theatre Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers many opportunities for gifts that perpetuate the names of our benefactors. More than 30,000 people attend cultural events annually at our venue. Donors may choose to honor or memorialize a family member or friend.
Naming Rights Opportunity
Gift Amount
Performance Hall |
Stage |
Arts Business Incubator Center |
Art Gallery |
Packages might include:
- VIP tickets to jazz concerts and theatre performances
- Signage and sampling at events/performances
- Logo on all print advertising including flyers, posters, newspaper and direct mail
- Inclusion in all social media platforms
- Full-page ad in theatre playbill
- Curtain speech at opening night performances
- On-stage mentions
- Hyperlink on Bishop Arts Theatre Center’s website
Bishop Arts Theatre Center is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities, contact Teresa Coleman Wash at 214.948.0716 or teresa@bishopartstheatre.org.